Dear Baby,
I am ready for you to come out now. I know you are enjoying yourself in there - I mean, who wouldn't be - you have everything you need, and it's comfy and quiet and warm. But really, I think it is time.
I realize that while you are inside me I don't have to deal with the 3 P's (pee, poo, + puke), and this should make me want to prolong your inevitable arrival. However, I am running out of clothes that fit, my back hurts, and I can't sleep. I have reached gargantuan proportions and cannot possibly stretch any further. While your health is far more important than my vanity, I'd like to retain some resemblance of my former self, if possible.
Your papa is probably getting tired of my complaining and of waiting on me hand and foot. Also, football season has also started, and he needs a buddy to hang with him in the new "man-cave".
If you hurry, I promise to read you stories and sing you to sleep until you reach the age when it embarrasses you - at which point we can renegotiate, since I may need to use it as leverage if you try to pierce your tongue or dye your hair green.
I love you very much already, and I haven't even met you. If you love me, too, you will throw down those boxing gloves you've been using lately, and come out as quickly and as painlessly as you can.
your mama
Soon, Judy. Soon. P.S. This made me well up with tears. Can't wait to hold my little nephew and rock him to sleep so you and Kev can get some rest. I keep hearing new names that i completely forgot about, but i'm going to just button my lips and keep them to myself. love you and miss you.