Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I. am. hormonal. I may seem to hide it well in public, but let's just say I am lucky to still be married right now. I am a nasty, nasty person, and I can't help myself. Sometimes, I feel it coming on, like I'm just sitting there happy as a clam, and then - boom, I am irritable and snappy. It is usually triggered by delayed mealtime ("Lay off me, I'm starving!") or when I am in the middle of one of my shows and am interrupted (I'll be all warm and snuggled in a blanket, riveted by an intense episode of Law & Order or a Lifetime Original Movie). This inevitably leads to shouting and throwing of things nearby (remote control, dog bowl - whatever I can get my hands on, really). And then, I feel the baby kicking, which makes me feel REALLY guilty and sad, so I cry. Multiple this 4x per week, and you have an environment that no one likes coming home to, not even me: the Aggravator.

I think they should have a temporary compound or assisted living home where pregnant women can go during the second and third trimester to seek shelter and serenity from the daily grind. Somewhere where they can gorge themselves on rocky road and danishes and watch all the Grey's Anatomy they want. Just saying.

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