Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Womb with a View (not really relevent to my post but isn't it a cute title?)

At the suggestion of my sister, I am determined to make this latest post a sunnier, more positive (less-whiny) one.

Besides, now that the nausea and exhaustion has subsided, there is not much else to complain about - unless of course you count the relentless, two-week long migraine that it has been replaced with. But I digress... Positive, positive. OK, here's one: I am learning to accept my changing body. I've stopped complaining about feeling bloated and chubby mainly because I bought myself a pair of black stretch pants (sans stirrups) further affirming the fact that I have officially "let myself go". While I realize that these bottoms are currently and lovingly being referred to in the fashion world as "must have" leggings, come on, people. Let's just call a spade a spade... I wore these when I was 6 and accessorized them with a scrunchy and high-tops. Now I wear them so my continually expanding body can breathe (and so that when I get home from work, I no longer have to change into sweats). Yes, these little beauties double as both business and pleasure. The physical effort it took to change after work has been cut out and replaced with more couch time. Ahhhh, it's the little things...

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